Our Very Own Ego Boost Page

"A car ran into the back of my month-old Triumph Speed Triple while I sat at a red traffic light. I was thrown 10 - 15 feet into the air and landed behind the idiots car who hit me. Thankfully, I was wearing Bikers Paradise Warrior Jacket and Warrior Jeans which saved me from more serious inury (take it from me guys, they work). Had I been wearing Flank Doomouse fashion clothing, things would have been different! Real protection for real riders. Thank you again." Mike Power.

"I am writing to compliment your company on the excellent quality of the leather used in your products. I was recently involved in an RTA when a lorry pulled out of a side road in front of me. Unable to avoid a collision, I was thrown clear of my bike. I was catapulted across the front of the lorry head-first and landed on my side, head and shoulder first. I was wearing a Warrior Jacket, Warrior Jeans. The helmet saved my head and the shoulder of my jacket was torn and grazed from the road, as were my jeans.
My jeans sustained no cuts or tears and I am sure the shoulder of the jacket only gave way with the impact of the road as I must have travelled upwards of 25 feet in the air and road.
I am convinced that had I not been wearing such good quality leathers, I would have been more seriously injured. I received no cuts or abrasions, the padding saved my t-shirt and my skin. I did sustain two leg fractures and one in my hand but I am pleased to say I am still alive.
Once again, I would like to thank your whole company for the excellent quality of your products and I am glad to say that my son also has Warrior Jeans."

"This is the second time I've been saved from serious injury. The first time, I came off at 90mph, my bike bounced over my lower legs. Result: just bad bruising, no breaks.
The second time, and final for the jeans, an RTA - head on into a car on the wrong side of the road. Combined speed about 70mph into my right leg. Headlight into the knee, bumper into lower leg.
Hospital X-Ray showed NO breaks but severe Haematoma. Result: 4 days in hospital and 6 weeks off work. The point is, the jeans saved me from a wheelchair. Thanks Bikers Paradise."
"I bought the enclosed jeans from you after reading the Ride test. So far I have found them comfortable and easy to wear for at least 9,000 miles. Unfortunately, I have road-tested them after hitting a sheep at 50mph. As you can see, they took it well and I walked away bruised and battered but otherwise unhurt. They did a great job! Many thanks." Simon Harrop.

"Several months ago I bought a set of leathers from your shop. Recently, I had the misfortune of crashing my bike. Luckily I was able to walk away with nothing more than a swollen knee. Had I not been wearing the leathers, I feel I would have ended up with a stay in hospital and a broken knee or worse. Thank you for your excellent set of leathers." David Cribbett.
"I purchased a pair of your jeans about 2 years ago and they've always been comfortable and hard-wearing. Last April I was ran into by a blind woman car driver and although my left leg took all the force of the accident and was badly lacerated, the medical staff told me that the jeans probably saved my leg. Thanks again."

A review from Vonny of the Celtic Crew MCC:
"We've found... Bikers Paradise!
In need of some decent leathers and clean vests for our colours, we spent days online looking for what each of us needed. Although Ryan was quick to find a vest he wanted online, I, on the other hand, being my usual uncompromising self, couldn't find exactly what I had in mind. After trawling the net for days, eventually, Ryan suggested visiting some shops so I could experience the quality and fit of what I was buying, rather than take a chance.
I started by checking out some online shops, to find out which of those welcomed customers to their shop. Having drawn up a short list, based on distance, prices and those showing the closest to what I had in mind, Ryan suggested one in Coventry as he knew a good route there for a ride out.
So, next day, we headed off to Bikers Paradise in Coventry. Having stopped for a late lunch along the way, we reached Bikers Paradise from Wroughton in just under 2 hours. It was in an industrial estate - 7 Portway Close, Tile Hill, Coventry, CV4 9UY.
First impressions upon arrival? Just another typical unassuming small industrial unit. I was a bit apprehensive but, once through the door, I felt we had stepped through a porthole in time. Warm and inviting in an Olde Worlde style. We left our lids on the settee and headed up the stairs, through the door and into an Aladdin's cave for bikers leathers. Wall to wall jackets, trousers, vests, boots and more. Not only was there everything leather imaginable, there was also helmets, goggles, luggage, shades, Kevlar's etc. Aptly named, I thought... a real Bikers Paradise!
We browsed for a couple of minutes in this little wonderland. We were then offered assistance from a charming gentleman called Malc, which we took. The choice of styles seemed endless, as was Malc's patience with me. After numerous times of "I really like this one, but oh... Look at that one, can I try that one on, oh what about this one, or that one over there..." etc, nothing was too much to ask.
Ryan was, by now, exploring the racks for himself. He found a pair of Kevlar jeans he liked. Now for those of you who know me and Ryan, you know we are not the usual "off the peg" sizes... Ryan is F.B. (fat b*st*rd) size and I am a F.B.G. (fat bottomed girl - a slightly more polite term for ladies).
Bikers Paradise stocked our sizes and bigger! That, in itself, is quite unique. The only snag was the length of leg... Way too long... Everything had seemed to be going so well up to that point. "Oh well", I thought, "all too good to be true, I guess...". How wrong was I? Not only do Bikers Paradise do alterations, but they are done while you wait. Total perfection! Out with the measuring tape and ten minutes later, Ryan had 100% perfect fit Kevlar jeans. The same with the leather trousers I eventually chose.
An hour after we had arrived at Bikers Paradise, we left with really good quality leather jacket, trousers, vest and neck warmers plus Kevlar jeans, that all fitted us two F.B's perfectly, and all at internet prices.
So the next time you need to get some leathers or any biker gear, for a truly fantastic selection at excellent prices, plus a customer service second to none, (with the added attraction of a nice ride out to get there), you can't go wrong with Bikers Paradise.
Vonny (the Celtic Tigress)"